Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Just a note.

So today we did diagramming.  Though most modern teachers hate this, I still find too many learners who don't recognise the essential importance of the subject-verb relationship or know what the object of a preposition is.  Because of this, they fail to use them leading to conversations with students which include gems like: "Is good go to pub!"  

We worked from the Learning Objects post.

We also reviewed the words you see below on the left-hand side of the board which are also in your homework.
Wow. Glare.
Inside out is all that's difficult to read.

We learned why "diagram" is "diagrammed" in the past.  And I have included this link to for you to work on your spelling of -ing and ed forms.  It's for native speakers so don't feel bad if you aren't perfect neither are we.

But we pretend.

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