Saturday, January 15, 2011

"I love learning" or "I love to learn": Gerunds Vs. Infinitives

"I love learning" or "I love to learn": which is best?

Both are fine!

"I want eating" or "I want to eat": surprisingly only the second one is good.  Why?  

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday of our first were about this topic.  Everyone wrote about going to cheap restaurants.  Surprisingly only two people were restaurant snobs.  

So let's get to review. There are literally hundreds of these pages online dedicated to helping you have the information you need during your study time.  Check out this site below as an example for some good resources on the topic of gerunds and infinitives.

Here is a screen shot of their list of verbs ALWAYS followed by a gerund (when followed by a verb).  Do you know them all?

Here is a screen shot of their list of verbs USUALLY followed by to + infinitive  (when followed by a verb).  For example after afford and meet I can't afford to buy lunch anywhere but Centra.  or Prepare to meet your maker. 

How about a few more examples grammar experts?

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